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psychological studies

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منتدي الاستاذ الدكتور خالد الفخراني
psychological studies
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منتدي الاستاذ الدكتور خالد الفخراني

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Psychological stress Causing postpartum depression

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1 Psychological stress Causing postpartum depression Empty Psychological stress Causing postpartum depression الخميس يوليو 26, 2018 6:17 am




Ahlam Ammar Abulqasem Mouloud
To obtain a Master of Arts degree in psychology

Prof. Dr
Khaled Ibrahim Al-Fakhrani
Professor of Psychology
And vice dean of education and students affairs of faculty of Arts – Tanta University


- Introduction:
Postpartum depression is a tendency to negative thinking, and a sense of despair that a woman experiences after her baby is born for more than two weeks does not disappear without treatment.
Most depressed mothers are not diagnosed or treated, and many of them do not speak of their suffering for fear of being considered as bad mothers, preferring only to bear the problem in the belief that this suffering is a normal manifestation of this period. In the absence of treatment, the disorder may last for several months or more. The mother may experience marital failure, especially if the husband does not understand her situation and suffering. It also poses a danger to both mother and child. Or child
- Problem of study:
The problem of study is determined in:
• What is the degree of postpartum psychological stress in women?
• What is the degree of postnatal depression in women?
• What is the relationship between psychological stress and postpartum depression in women?
• Does postpartum depression differ in women depending on the age of the mother, the sex of the baby, the order of the family, the educational level of the husband and wife, and the place of residence?

. Objectives of the study:
• Identify the degree of postpartum psychological stress in women.
• Identify the degree of postnatal depression in women.
• Determine the relationship between psychological stress and postpartum depression in women.
• Determine the differences in postpartum depression in women according to the age of the mother, the sex of the child, the order of the family, the educational level of the husband and wife, and the place of residence.
- The importance of the study:
The theoretical importance:
• To draw the attention of society to postpartum depression and postpartum stress, and to indicate its negative effects on women in particular, and on the family in general.
• This study is the first of its kind in the society, according to researchers, where there are no local studies dealt with this subject before.
• Enriching the theoretical side through the study, where it was found that the theoretical literature in Arabic and about postpartum depression is very limited, so called for the expansion of theoretical literature.
• The study deals with several variables in the study and its relationship to postpartum depression, which is especially important for women to help them avoid the problem if repeated birth.
• Suffering from psychological stress is a devastating weapon and the beginning of the emergence of many of the cycosomatic disorders as well as some organic stings
Practical importance:
• Depression is a reality that can be exposed to women in our society, which requires serious treatment in terms of healthy health treatment.
• Determine the prevalence of post-traumatic depression in newly born women.
• Determine the prevalence of post-traumatic stress in newly born women.
• Benefit from the results of this study in the development of therapeutic guidelines to help these women who suffer from postpartum depression.
. Study terms:
Psychological Stress
The researcher defines the procedure as "a state of imbalance in which the mother is exposed to any compressor incident (newly born), and the imbalance continues if the mother does not move in effective ways to solve the problem to restore stability" and is determined by the degree to which the mothers on the scale used in the study.
"It is a state of deep sadness and depression characterized by an inability to focus, guilt, fatigue, low self-esteem, emotional imbalance, depression, depression, loneliness and sleep disorders.
Postnatal depression
Postpartum depression is defined as a procedure of the degree obtained by the study scale used for the purposes of the study and codified to suit its environment and specificity.
Postnatal Women:
Are women who have given birth at least once in the age of 48 years.
- The study hypotheses:
. Post-natal stress is prevalent among women who have given birth at least once in the age of 48 years.
. Postpartum depression is prevalent among women who have given birth at least once in the age of 48 years.
. There is a statistically significant correlation between psychological stress and postpartum depression among women who have given birth at least once in the age of less than 48 years.
. There are statistically significant differences in mean postpartum depression in women who have at least one birth at least 48 years of age according to the age of the mother, the sex of the child, their rank in the family, the educational level of the husband and wife, Residence".
- There are statistically significant differences in the average psychological stress scores among women who gave birth at least once in the age of less than (48) years according to the age of the mother, the sex of the child, the rank in the family, the educational level of husband and wife, .
. Limitations of the study:
The present study is based on the sample used in the study: The sample of the study consists of women who gave birth at least once in the age of (48) years.
The study also determines the methodology used, the tools used, the objectives of the study, its hypotheses, and the statistical methods used.
- Results of the study:
. Psychological pressure in women The study sample is high, with a relative weight of 2.105 with an average of 168.150 and a standard deviation of 12.480.
. Depression in women The study sample is high, with a relative weight of 2.323 with an average of 48.8000 and a standard deviation of 5.6720.
-  There is a statistically significant positive correlation between psychological stress and postpartum depression among women who have given birth at least once (48) years at the level of (0.01).
- There are no differences between the average postpartum depression in women who gave birth at least once in the age of less than (48) years depending on the age of the mother, sex of the baby, and arranged in the family, and educational level of husband and wife, where the difference Non-dala. Excluding the place of residence for urban residents in the best direction.
- There are no differences between the average levels of postpartum psychological pressure among women who gave birth at least once in the age of less than (48) years of age difference to the mother, sex of the baby, and arranged in the family, and educational level of husband and wife, Where the difference was not significant


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